On-Demand Resources - (our previous Online Store)
Our newer Online Learning Center provides access to videos, courses, resources and documents, and online tools for your organization.  But if you'd like information on any of the below resources please email [email protected]. We are continually updating and building out the new online learning center.

> RECORDED EVENTS (2-hour workshops) ~ $20 for members and $40 for non-members
Being and Becoming a Trauma Informed Nonprofit
Budget Basics
Crisis Fundraising
Critical Conversations: Merging with Another Nonprofit
Diversity and Inclusion Around the Board Table
Embezzlement Awareness and Prevention
Finance Basics for your Fiscal Health
Foundations of Board Governance (To be equitable ~ Free for members - $20 for non-members)
Moving from Fundraising to Philanthropy
How to Write a Successful Appeal Letter
Leverage Your Story: Building the Case For Support
Today's Fundraising Basics

> RECORDED WEBINARS (45 minutes to 1-hour)
Bylaws Bootcamp: The Essentials
Congrats! You're the next Board Chair
Critical Conversations for Nonprofits: Do You Know if Your in Trouble?
Crucial Conversations: Creating a Positive Workplace Culture
Document Retention
Fundraising Basics: Maximize Your Efforts
Keeping Yourself Organized
How to write a Good Thank You Letter
Managing Conflict of Interest
Tips and Tools for Taking Effective Meeting Minutes
Tools and Tips for Effective Board Meetings
Transitioning Leadership: Planning for Successful Succession


If interested in one or more of these products or you don't see what you need please email [email protected]. We are slowly migrating our previous Online Store Products into our new Online Learning Center

*Orders are processed within 2-business days and after payment has been received, if mailing a payment please send it to,

Nonprofit Network
209 E. Washington Ave, Suite 430-23
Jackson, MI 49201