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Cross-Cultural Conversations (2-sessions) ~ A Series of Dialogues for More Equitable Communities on Zoom
Tuesday, March 05, 2024, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Category: Cross Cultural Conversations

The Cross-Cultural Conversations Council invites community members to attend this important training to learn about, uncover, and address systemic racism, biases and barriers for our community members.
Through self-assessment and facilitated activities, participants gain increased understanding of their personal background and perspective on the implications of how their experience affects how they think and react to others from different backgrounds.

Organizations discover the value of practicing a more open and inclusive mindset into day-to-day operations

*Two Virtual Sessions (Part 1 & 2) ~ March 5th, and March 7th, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM ET  
(This is a 4-hour event split into 2 sessions for easy scheduling - you must attend both sessions)  

Agenda: Cross-Cultural Conversations workshops strive toward Improved Sensitivity in Communication and Clearer Understanding
of the Effects of Privilege, Unconscious Bias, and Steps to Overcoming Barriers·         

  • Define cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competence
  • Identify issues of equality vs. equity
  • Recognize the influence of “isms” in our communication
  • Recognize privilege and bias
  • Identify ways to bridge barriers
  • Where do you stand on the continuum of awareness?
  • Addressing micro-aggression's
  • Recognizing unconscious bias
  • Using tools to enhance communication and understanding

Having a better understanding of ourselves, our colleagues, and our clientele will lead to more cohesion and greater effectiveness in our interactions. With improved communication and understanding, staff will be better equipped to adjust expectations and connect in a more productive manner with others. This workshop was designed to,

  • Improve productivity and effectiveness 
  • Improve communication and public relations within staff and the clientele you serve 
  • Improve cohesion in the workplace 
  • Help diffuse workplace or service delivery tension inadvertently caused by culturally-charged slights, unconscious biases, or unintended offenses 
  • Improve job satisfaction, staff and customer buy-in, loyalty and trust


Additional information-

  • You will need video and audio in order to benefit from and participate fully with the other virtual attendees.
  • Please be camera ready, we will ask you to share your cameras during the presentation and to join our break-out room sessions.
  • Please plan to arrive 5 minutes early as these sessions will need to start on-time to present the full content.  
  • The group-work required at these sessions requires a minimum # participants. Please commit to this time once registered for beneficial learning for all.
  • *These sessions are not recorded and shared.

Facilitated by:  



                              CLICK HERE TO REGISTER                              
Next Event is April 12, 2024 in person, in Jackson, MI
Costs waived: Thanks to the generous sponsor who has made this event available at no-cost: 

Events require a minimum number of participants in order to fully benefit from these instrumental events.
Please provide a minimum 48-hour notice of cancellation.
No event is free. There are always a great deal of resources, time, money and energy invested. Please be aware "No shows" impact being able to offer future events at no-cost. 
If you need assistance with a cancellation or a change in your registration, or if you are interested in bringing this important work to your organization,
please email [email protected] or call our office at 517-796-4750 x1

Please Note: Nonprofit Network may record, video or photograph public events. Recordings, videos and photos are used solely for the promotional purposes of Nonprofit Network or internal training.  Nonprofit Network will regard as confidential all non-public information obtained during the course of its professional assignments. Information given in a public setting has no expectation of confidentiality.


Contact: [email protected]