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Bridges Out of Poverty (in-person)
Monday, March 11, 2024, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Category: Bridges Out of Poverty

What is Bridges Out of Poverty?

"Bridges Out of Poverty is a powerful tool designed specifically for social, health, and legal services professionals. It reaches out to the millions of service providers and businesses whose daily work connects them with the lives of people in poverty." (Aha Process)

Bridges is not a program. It is a research-based framework of concepts, tools, and resources that equip people to reconsider how they approach their clients, their constituents, their neighbors, and their community.
To comprehensively address the issue of poverty, we must look at it through three lenses: Individual, Institutional, and Community. This Triple Lens approach provides a comprehensive perspective on how we as individuals, organizations, and communities can eliminate poverty.

Session Content - 
This 4-hour overview aims to help you think critically about your role to comprehensively address poverty.
Its emphasis will be on the lens of the Individual and will introduce the following content:

  • Key Points and Constructs of Bridges
  • Mental Models of Economic Class
  • Hidden Rules
  • Resources

Date: March 11th, 2024 - from 9 AM until 1 PM
Commonwealth Commerce Center, Room 401
209 E. Washington Ave, Jackson, MI 49201

Parking and Directions:
Please park and use the South Entrance door and South Elevator located next to the leasing office. On the south side, just passed the MI Works SE entry door. Not the main covered entrance, but around the side.

Bridges Out of Poverty is a large framework, rich with resources and an amazing depth of content.  It takes a great deal of time to fully cover all of that material through the Triple Lens approach.
The greatest level of change happens with the multi-day and full-day sessions. We know, however, that it’s simply not possible for many people to spend a full day in a workshop.
e therefore offer this 3-hour session that condenses the Bridges material to an overview of its most critical elements.  

  Bridges Out of Poverty: Community Sessions - $99 FREE!
Funding provided by our partner:

You can count on us to help people today and partner to build stronger communities for the future.


Bridges Out of Poverty is designed for - 
Appropriate and relevant for anyone who lives, works, or volunteers in the state of Michigan by contract with Aha! Process, Inc. Based on Dr. Ruby K. Payne's “A Framework for Understanding Poverty,” This presentation is appropriate and relevant for anyone who has a general interest in Bridges Out of Poverty and it will primarily focus on the Individual Lens and will connect service providers, businesses and community members with people living in poverty and will motivate attendants to pursue Institutional and Community changes as well. 

A common outcome of this session
 is attendants bringing their learning back to their organization and advocating for a full or multi-day customized training, which allows time to sufficiently 
explore the "Triple Lens approach". 

Testimonials - What did you like most about this session?
  • "Eye-opening awareness of what's lacking in our own community."
  • "The passion and personal experiences of the presenter."
  • "Wow, I have middle-class bias I was not even aware of even though I'm one paycheck away from poverty myself."
  • "Made me think of all the ways I could help my community."
  • "Katena is fabulous, she really raises awareness and created new thoughts."
  • "The global situations brought home using local statistics."
  • "The suggestions of changes that can be made, even the small one's in the work-place to better serve the community and individuals
     we're hoping to assist."

Facilitated by: Dr. Katena Cain
Bridges Out of Poverty Certified Trainer
headshot of Katena Cain PhD







Contact: [email protected] - (the iCal file below is a placeholder only, register for event confirmation)