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Benefits of Board Governance Training.

Leading a nonprofit organization is a lot like preparing for an athletic competition.  It requires consistent training, practice, and a plan to succeed. An athlete never gets to check the box off next to a basic skill. It doesn't matter how many times you've run that drill—you still review, practice, and adapt when necessary, and yes, keep on training. And it is the same for a board of directors.

A board is never past the need for training.  Seasons, needs, pandemics, growth, and experiences are just some of the variables that change the environment in which a nonprofit lives. All board members benefit from regular governance training.  So, let's talk about what some of those benefits include:


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5 Steps to Refresh & Restore Momentum after a Bad Board Meeting

Regina Pinney
Executive Director

Have you ever had one of those board meetingsthe kind that makes you question if you are the right person for the job, if you have the stamina to continue, or if anyone in the room is on the same page about anything? The kind of meeting that makes you wonder if working at one of those 9-5 for profit jobs is fulfilling?

You knowone of "those" meetings.

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